The Age of Anxiety and John 5.1-18

Anxiety disorders are the number one mental health problem in the world. “Disorder” means it has reached a point of negatively effecting your life. The universal consensus among mental health professionals is that stress and anxiety go hand in hand. The reason is because even though stress comes at us from the outside, it hits us on the inside. Stress makes strong claims on our inner self. In other words, pressure on the self makes us, well, anxious. We live in an age of anxiety. And so did Jesus…

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Embracing More of Jesus and John 4:43-54

So, what does our faith grow to embrace more and more of? What all do we have in Jesus that we are meant to discover, rediscover, rest in and receive? Well, there is another Father/Son relationship in the Gospel of John, the relationship of Jesus, the Son, and God the Father. And the Father has a similar word about His Son, that He is going to die.

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The Need To Be Important and John 3.22-36  

Our story begins with a theological argument. All good church stories begin that way: “Now an argument arose between some of John’s disciples and a Jew (John’s code for religious leader) over purification” (v. 25). In other words, they were debating whether good people (like the religious leader) need the grace of God or not….

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