Good News of Great Joy

Good News of Great Joy

If Christianity is something great but you do not need it, then who cares about it? If Christianity is something great but it’s not for you, there is no joy in that either. But what if Christianity is something great, and you need it, and it’s for you? Luke 2 shows us what Christianity is all about and how it comes crashing into the lives of people who desperately need it…

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The Problem of Fear and Rom. 3:25

Fear is a problem.  H.P. Lovecraft, an early 1900’s author of horror, said, “The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear.”  Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones, a pastor in London famously called the last Puritan preacher, said, “When a man is defeated by life it is always due, ultimately, to the fact that he is suffering from a spirit of fear….

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